On the off chance that You Want To Live Up To 150 Years, Give Up S3x" – Scientist Claims.

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On the off chance that You Want To Live Up To 150 Years, Give Up S3x" – Scientist Claims.


A Professor Alex Zhavoronkov, who is executive of the Biogerontology Research Foundation, says people could reach 150 on the off chance that they surrendered s3x .

He conjectures that an existence without intercourse will empower us to live "far, far longer." The 36-year-old teacher said

"I have s3x periodically, yet not on a changeless premise and as a rule with kindred researchers," "In light of the fact that generally, and I'm exceptionally sad for saying it, post-coital communications can be entirely exhausting.

"Deferring marriage and proliferation is a by-result of moving your future skylines," he told Mail Online.

"It would moderate me up and occupy me from my examination. When you're anticipating living 150 years, marriage is a major choice. You're in for the long haul!'

He prescribes rather that we practice frequently, including sit-ups and press-ups and focus on eating less

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