Ex Chadian Ruler Jailed For Life for Crimes Against Humanity, Torture and Sexual Slavery.

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An uncommon court in Senegal has sentenced previous Chadian military ruler Hissene Habre to life in jail in the wake of indicting for violations against humankind, torment and sexual subjugation.

Gberdao Gustave Kam, Burkinabe president of the Extraordinary African Chambers (CAE) court, an uncommon criminal court set up by the African Union inside the West African country's court framework, while conveying the judgment said: "Hissene Habre, this court discovers you blameworthy of violations against mankind, assault, constrained servitude, and seizing, and in addition atrocities. The court sentences you to life in jail."

Habre who declined to recognize the authenticity of the court all through his trial, raised his arms into the air on listening to the decision, yelling "Down with France-afrique!", alluding to the term utilized for France's proceeding with impact on its previous provinces.

The previous ruler fled to Senegal subsequent to being toppled in a 1990 overthrow. In the wake of living in a state of banishment in Senegal for a long time, Habre was captured in Dakar in July 2013, under 72 hours after US President Barack Obama communicated his backing for a trial amid a visit to Senegal.

Habre was given 15 days to offer the sentence.
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