Nigerian Customs Impounds Goods Worth N1M, Arrests 18 Suspects

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FOU Zone ‘C’ Impounds Prohibited Goods Worth over N1 Million sieze 2,522 bags of rice, frozen poultry 61,333 boxes, 720 boxes of vegetable oil

customs chief said that men do not interfere with the business community, to facilitate legitimate trade

Activities against trafficking Federal Operations Unit (fou), Nigeria Customs Service Zone C (NCS) has led to the seizure of 29 illegal objects with Duty Paid (DPV) N1,074,099,739.00 worth over N54 million.
Confiscated items include 2,522 bags of 50 kilos of rice abroad, 61,333 boxes of imported poultry from foreign products, 720 cartons of foreign vegetable oil, 1,618 and 1,466 furniture cartons, 269 pieces of unused tires.
The other 59 boxes and 1,964 parts, compressors 39, 29 bales of used clothing and 480 pairs of shoes and 9 used vehicles of different types, but all have been seized in the geopolitical areas of South-East and South-South countries.
The customs territory of the controller in charge of the unit (Fou zone C), Compt. Mohammed revealed Uba Garki this to inform the press about the items seized at the premises of IMO-store Red / Aba Owerri and NCS Benin in Edo State.
He said 18 suspects were arrested in relation to the treatment of disaster now being examined possible prosecution.
Apart from the above statistics, Mohammed said that foreclosures accounted for protecting the nation's economy and security of citizens.

"Let me say clearly that it is not enough to simply inform on seizures and VPD, which is very important is that we implement government policies to stimulate our economic growth and job creation," he said
According to Muhammad, many foreign rice bags of 50 kilograms were seized intelligently re-bagged and relabelled smugglers beat security checks on roads and giving a false appearance of locally produced. As some things, such as body sprays have been used to hide other criminal contraband. "
He regretted that accidents still occur on the nation's roads because of the widespread use of waste tires imported by smugglers, noting that the prohibition of imports of rice and was intended to encourage public patronage and local product consumption in order to further stimulate the national economy.
"If allowed to spread out the impact of rice imports continue, certainly discourage production and local consumption with a devastating effect on our economy."

However, the customs chief said that his men did not want to destroy the people who are the real company but are only interested in facilitating legitimate trade, pointing out that the illegitimate companies have nothing to fear, as the Customs Service, Nigeria is about to detect, apprehend and prosecute those which do not comply with valid legal positions.

Again, a call to members of the public with useful information about the smugglers, agents and associates to this information is available in the Nigeria Customs Service and other sister agencies to take the necessary measures. He added that the 29 attacks as a result of official information Meeting intelligence and his men by some patriotic Nigerians.
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